Engineering Training Options for Domestic Students
Australian Institute of Engineering (AIE) is proud to be providing training and assessment services for Engineering courses around Australia. AIE flexible training model has been developed to assist businesses that require an on-the-job training program for all or part of the training contract. With State funding in South Australia and Victoria AIE are working closely with Industry bodies and businesses to expand its offerings.
AIE Training model enables the business, apprentices and AIE to build a training program that is customised to meet the business needs. Clear instruction and a responsibility check list are used to make sure that key outcomes are achieved through the process. Virtual face to face sessions will be scheduled with students for 2-3 hours each fortnight to undertake the required theory training. More session can be organised during the duration of the apprentice contract if needed the time and days of the virtual sessions will be supplied on induction and will run for 10 months allowing for a minimum of 20 virtual sessions each year.
AIE will look to conduct 3-4 workplace visits per year to review practical activities and assessments. These workplace visits will be scheduled for 3-4 hours or longer if required. AIE will work closely with the apprentice and supervisor during the sessions to make sure that the apprentice has the required skills and knowledge required for the units that are being worked on.
In each business a supervisor/mentor will need to be identified, they must be able to relate well to the Learner and have the ability to communicate well, so that the learner can safely and progressively develop the requisite skills.
The role of the immediate supervisor is to nurture and provide all necessary help, instruction, demonstration, and encouragement to the Learner. The immediate supervisor may be required to sign off on practical activity as they are completed. The business must also provide the appropriate facilities and equipment to facilitate the training.
If you would like more information about AIE training and how it can benefit your business or industry, please contact Brett Ambrosio at